Once upon a time there was a magical world known as Wizard Land, where witches, wizards, fairies and fairytale creatures dwelled. Sometimes they lived together in peace, sometimes there were local conflicts, but no conflict could compare to the Last Battle of Wizard Land! Use your Match 3 skills to explore this exciting world and resurrect the inhabitants! With a variety of obstacles, bonuses, and extra tasks, Wizard Land is fun for everyone! - Wizard Land
Once upon a time there was a Wizard Land! Sometimes its inhabitants lived in peace, but sometimes there were conflicts!
Youda Sushi Chef 2
Put your culinary skills to use. Prove that you are the best chef and beat your boss in each restaurant’s final Battle.
Youda Fisherman
Prove you are the worthy hero praised in books and maintain your universal fame by helping a stranger rebuild his fishing company!
Tiny Jumper
Catch candies and control this tiny jumper!
Help frog to get rid of ugly blocks!
Youda Sushi Chef 2
Put your culinary skills to use. Prove that you are the best chef and beat your boss in each restaurant’s final Battle.
Youda Fisherman
Prove you are the worthy hero praised in books and maintain your universal fame by helping a stranger rebuild his fishing company!
Tiny Jumper
Catch candies and control this tiny jumper!
Upgrade your defenses and destroy all the enemies!